Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bench - Complete!

Wrapped up Bench training today...awesome! I'm feeling so much better this week than last, so glad I'm ending on a higher note! I am fighting a migraine off but that is much more an issue in the evenings than it is in the morning for my workout. Right now just trying to stay still, keep things dark, and not move a whole lot until i can take another Rx and hopefully just get some sleep.

I wrapped today with my last 5-3-1 cycle...

5 @ 90
3 @ 100
1+ @ 115

I pushed out 3 at 115, which was great since that's all I managed last week at 110. I rested a few minutes, than made an attempt at 120 for 1. I didn't try to pause it after a triple with 115, but it made me feel very good about my 3rd attempt at 120 at the meet :)

Here's the 115 for 3:

And here's the single 120:

The rest of the workout went well too, although I lightened it up (shoulder sparing), and I didn't push for cardio when I was done. I'll get in a good 40 or 45 minutes tomorrow though, no training otherwise.

Lat Pulldowns
3 x 10 @ 85

BB Floor Press
8 @ 100, 95, 85

DB Incline Rows
3 x 10 @ 25

DB Incline Press
3 x 12 @ 25

Cable High Rows
2 x 10 @ 120

Machine Pec Deck (hah!)
2 x 10 @ 45

Back Extensions
15 @ 25, 10, BW

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