Thursday, June 3, 2010


Not a word that I feel like I can use very often! A lot of people use that word with weight loss, "are you done losing weight?" Hah...well I guess I'm DONE actively seeking weight loss, but no..I'm not done living this lifestyle, if that's what you really mean. Woah, tangent! Hahah...


I'm DONE with my training for the June 19th (actually now, 20th) PL Meet...finished today and it was fantastic. Something special in this, I can't quite put my finger on it, I'm still trying to noodle it out. But there was something big in today...I feel like I'm wrapping that up and getting ready to start down a new fresh path. Not starting over, and definitely not discarding anything leading up to now, but I feel like there's a change a comin' hahah.

Frustrating that I can't yet put words to it.

But ANYWAY - so today was my last heavy training workout for this meet, and it was SQUAT day. The numbers today:

140 x 5
160 x 3
175 x 1+

175 x 6

Last I did 175 was about 6 months ago when I was home in Virginia, just prior to the Raw Unity meet. I fought HARD for the 3 reps I got then, and there was no doubt that 3 was all that was in me, cuz I failed on's THAT (dated January 8th, 2010 - click to view on another page:

(sorry about the neverending end - it's really over after i fail on the 4th squat, the trainer that was spotting me was asking me questions and I didn't turn the camera off)

UUUggggghhhhh, right?!

So while I know I still have a long way to go with form (and strength) with my squat, I can see such a dramatic difference with just these 6 months! On my way...

I'm working on some other stuff too, not ready to really be all 'out there' with it but...Today I took this challenge. It didn't so much open my eyes, I've been aware of the battles I've been fighting, but it did kinda get me ANGRY (with myself), like...ENOUGH all ready, it is time for a change. So in that spirit...I'm trying to own my strengths, trying to let go, trying to move on. Maybe that's why I feel like I'm on the verge of's time :)

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