Found it! You'd think it was top secret...
The Raw United Mike Whitmer Memorial Open will be streamed LIVE, right here!
There are 2 sessions each day - morning(9am)/afternoon(3pm) on both Saturday and Sunday. I am lifting in Session 4, which is 3pm on Sunday 6/20. The Ustream site says 6am/12pm for times, but that is pacific time...9am and 3pm if you're east coast :). We (women) will be in the second group to lift in that session, so i don't expect my first lift to be until around 3:30 or so.
The Raw Unity Meet that I lifted in in January was broadcast live, and I can't tell you how awesome it was to know that I had friends tuning in to cheer me on that otherwise would not be able to be a part of that day with me. I definitely drew on I'd be super excited if you could tune in :)
Nearly 6 months of training...less than 1 week away!
Then eventually, it will be on Fox Sports, as this blurby talks about (and reveals that, unbeknownst to me, I'm apparently a "ranked lifter" hah! Cool :)
You are going to rock it!! :)