This is skillz week! We love that :)
Usually Skillz Day falls on a Wednesday but I swapped mine around this week due to holiday travel craziness, so today was the day!
The PLAN called for (a bunch of warm-up sets and then...):
Squat x 185 and 195
Bench x 110 and 120
Deadlift x 290 and 310
Which I stuck to, exxxxceeeepppptttt on Squat :)
I went ahead and went for the ole 200...
And I did it! YEAH! OMG you have no idea how excited I was! Here's the big lift of the day:
Note happy dance at the end! Hahah :)
Bench went well, we only videod the 110 though, just in case there wasn't enough juice for the DLs:
For Deads, 290 went up pretty easily and with pretty decent form. A little rounding of the back but nothing excessive and I did set up strong - chest up, tight arch, but I was really beginning to tire here. Tooooo many DL warmups prior to this lift I essentially a meet in 90 minutes, so way less rest and no between lift snacks...FUH-tigue ;)
Here's 290:
Up next was 310. Lemme just preface this with *wow* 310 looks ugly! I told Myles before I did this one I was already tired, he said (after) that that might imply how the lift would look, hahah...too true! Terrible back rounding...very tough off the floor, but once I broke it it came up fast. 260 x 2 prior to the 290 I think was too much. One would've been plenty ;) Here it is, in all it's bad form glory ;)
So with that...we finish out the training plan. Which, crap! I forgot to mention to Dave, ends a week too early...I noticed it last night. Anyway...feeling good about the meet! yeah!
T's Skillz Day is on Wednesday :)
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